TURISCAR, LDA (hereinafter referred to as “TURISCAR”) leases to the CUSTOMER (hereinafter referred to as “LESSEE”), the vehicle
described in the contract (hereinafter referred to as “vehicle”) under the terms and conditions specified in the rental Contract.
The LESSEE has read thoroughly, agrees with the terms of the contract and attests to this by signing the contract. The LESSEE
agrees to use the vehicle with care and attention and bears full responsibility for the safe keeping while under the rental Contract.


  1. The rental of any vehicle is only permitted to drivers who are at least 23 years of age and who holds a valid driving license that is at least three (3) years old. The driving license must be free of penalty points in the previous three (3) year period.
  2. No other driver except the LESSEE is permitted to operate the vehicle. Any additional drivers must be declared at the time of signing the contract and must meet condition 1 of Article 1 above.
  3. The LESSEE undertakes to make normal and prudent use of the vehicle, scrupulously complying with the Law, especially the Road Code.
  4. The LESSEE undertakes not to use the vehicle:
    a. to carry passengers, goods or any other type of cargo, in return for any implied or explicit compensation or remuneration,
    whatever the form of commitment
    b. to push or pull any vehicle, trailer or any other object, with or without wheels
    c. for sport events, official promotions or otherwise
    d. by persons under the influence of alcohol or narcotics
    e. for any transportation in violation of customs regulations or that is otherwise illegal
    f. for any type of transport, in violation of the conditions registered in the vehicle booklet
    g. for any other unlawful or illegal purposes
  5. The LESSEE undertakes, outside the periods of use, to ensure that the vehicle is properly locked and vehicle documents removed.
  6. The LESSEE undertakes to communicate immediately any defect or anomaly detected in the vehicle by calling TURICAR.
  7. The LESSEE undertakes to return the vehicle at the end of the rental period in the same state of use as when received and with the respective equipment and documents.
  8. The LESSEE is expressly forbidden to sell, mortgage or otherwise use the vehicle for commercial collateral and guarantees that the vehicle will be used lawfully and in no way that can constitute harm to TURISCAR or damage its reputation.
  9. Any violation of the provisions of this article authorizes TURISCAR to withdraw the vehicle from the LESSEE, without prior notice and without prejudice to the damages to which, under legal or contractual terms, the LESSEE is obliged to comply.


  1. The LESSEE expressly declares that he has received the vehicle in good condition and that it is clean in accordance with the
    joint verification process referred to as “Check Out”. The equipment including tires and accessories and all vehicle
    documents must be returned in the same conditions allowing for normal wear and tear at the place and date designated in
    the Contract.
  2. The LESSEE is responsible for payment of all damages that may have occurred during the rental period up to the maximum
    deductible amount stipulated on the homepage.
  3. Any violation of the odometer is strictly prohibited. Should this occur, TURISCAR is immediately authorized to debit the
    LESSEE, 500 km/day, without prejudice to legal proceedings for fraudulent use.


  1. The rental price is determined by the rate in force for the category of the respective vehicle and is paid in advance.
  2. The amount of the security deposit is established for the category of the rental vehicle and is also paid in advance.
  3. If the LESSEE wishes to extend the period of the rental contract, he must obtain prior agreement in writing from TURISCAR and cover all associated costs upfront before the start of the extension period.
  4. The minimum rental is 1 (one) day, counted from the time of delivery.
  5. In the event of an extension of the rental, the entire fraction of more than six (6) hours counts as a whole day, with the hours being limited to six (6) paid on the basis of a flat rate resulting from the division of the daily 24 hours, multiplied for the number of overtime hours.

Article 4 - PAYMENTS

  1. The LESSEE expressly undertakes to pay to TURISCAR:
    a. The amounts corresponding to the actual duration of the rental
    b. The amount related to the security deposit due for rental
    c. The sums corresponding to damages arising from an accident to which it has given cause, or in cases of theft or robbery, only up to the maximum amount of the respective deductibles
    d. Taxes and fees payable due to the situations provided for in the preceding paragraphs
    e. The sum of ECV5,000 (€45) plus VAT, in case of loss of vehicle documents
    f. The sum of ECV1,650 (€15) plus VAT, in case of need of extra cleaning
    g. Judicial and extrajudicial expenses, fines and other pecuniary penalties, whatever their nature, arising from the violation
    of any legal norm attributable to the LESSEE or the vehicle during the rental period
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    h. If TURISCAR is notified, as a consequence of a misconduct or illegal conduct practiced by the LESSEE, in order to identify him, he undertakes to pay as administrative expenses, the sum of ECV2,200 (€20) for the information provided to the competent authorities
       i. The expenses and costs incurred by TURISCAR to obtain compliance with the provisions of the Contract by the LESSEE, namely the collection of amounts due by him to TURISCAR, under the terms legally established
    j. The cost of the repair and damage namely caused by car crash, collision, rollover, theft of the vehicle and its immobilization, for which:
       i. The costs incurred will be based on going rates at the time of occurrence up to the maximum value of the franchise stipulated in the initial page;
       ii. The LESSEE shall not be liable, provided that the vehicle has been used in accordance with all terms and conditions contained in the Contract, but he is nevertheless always responsible for the payment of the deductible stipulated on the homepage.

  2. The value of the security deposit referred to in the previous article will be refunded to the LESSEE as soon as the vehicle is returned to TURISCAR and all amounts due are settled. However, in the case of outstanding amounts, TURISCAR will apply the amount of the security deposit, in whole or in part, for the payment of the same,  Without prejudice to claiming in court any amounts still outstanding.


  1. 1. The LESSEE participates as an insured driver of an automobile insurance policy that covers Civil Liability, in accordance with the laws in force in the Country.
  2. The LESSEE agrees to protect the interests of TURISCAR and its Insurance Company in the event of an accident during the rental period, as follows:
    a. he undertakes to communicate to TURISCAR any accident, theft, robbery, fire, even partial, within a maximum of 24 hours; at the same time, he undertakes to notify the police authorities of any accident involving bodily injury, theft cases, and any event in which the culpability of the other party has to be clarified
    b. he undertakes to mention in the notifications the date, time, place, name and address of the witnesses, the name and address of the owner and the driver of the other vehicle(s) involved and the registration, trademark, insurance company and policy number of such other vehicle(s)
    c. he undertakes not to declare, in any case, responsible or guilty of the accident with the third party.
  3. At the time of rental, additional information will be collected at the request of the LESSEE.
  4. The LESSEE exempts TURISCAR from any and all liability for loss, theft, robbery or damage of any nature related to objects and/or utensils transported or in the vehicle, including, in particular, luggage and/or goods


  1. The maintenance of normal mechanics due to the normal use of the vehicle is the responsibility of TURISCAR. TURISCAR is responsible for normal repairs resulting from the mechanical wear and tear resulting from of the normal use of the vehicle.
  2. The LESSEE shall be responsible for repairs caused by abnormal use, negligence or other accidental causes. The LESSEE is also responsible for damages caused to tires that are not merely due to normal use, wear or accidental punctures.
  3. If the LESSEE becomes aware of any technical problem in the vehicle, he must immobilize it immediately and contact TURISCAR.
  4. Any repair to the vehicle caused by any damage or loss can only be ordered by TURISCAR.
  5. In addition to the payment of the costs associated with repairs resulting from damages or losses that are attributable to the LESSEE, the latter is also obliged to pay a daily rate for each day or fraction of the vehicle’s immobilization.
  6. The costs of towing, arising from the misuse of the vehicle, will also be the responsibility of the LESSEE.

Article 7 - FUEL AND OIL

  1. Fuels are always the responsibility of the LESSEE, who must also regularly inspect the vehicle for oil level, water level and tire pressure. Any expenses with oil must be duly proven, in order to allow for reimbursement.
  2. The vehicle must be delivered by the LESSEE with the same quantity of fuel registered at the reception. If this is not the case, the missing quantity will be charged.
  3. In case of introduction of fuel of a different type than the one used by the vehicle, the LESSEE shall be responsible for the expenses related to the complete replacement of the fuel, dismantling and washing of the tank, engine tuning and other damages caused to the vehicle, without opposition to its amounts.


  1. Any and all changes to the terms and articles of this agreement which have not been agreed upon in writing shall be void and shall have no effect.


  1. t is forbidden, without prior authorization from TURISCAR, to move the rented car to any island in the country other than São Vicente.


  1. The Rental Contract is made under the laws of Cape Verde and is governed by them. The parties agree to establish the jurisdiction of the Comarca de São Vicente to settle any emerging conflict issues, with the express exclusion of any other.