TURISCAR, LDA (hereinafter referred to as “TURISCAR”) leases to the CUSTOMER (hereinafter referred to as “LESSEE”), the vehicle
described in the contract (hereinafter referred to as “vehicle”) under the terms and conditions specified in the rental Contract.
The LESSEE has read thoroughly, agrees with the terms of the contract and attests to this by signing the contract. The LESSEE
agrees to use the vehicle with care and attention and bears full responsibility for the safe keeping while under the rental Contract.
h. If TURISCAR is notified, as a consequence of a misconduct or illegal conduct practiced by the LESSEE, in order to identify him, he undertakes to pay as administrative expenses, the sum of ECV2,200 (€20) for the information provided to the competent authorities
i. The expenses and costs incurred by TURISCAR to obtain compliance with the provisions of the Contract by the LESSEE, namely the collection of amounts due by him to TURISCAR, under the terms legally established
j. The cost of the repair and damage namely caused by car crash, collision, rollover, theft of the vehicle and its immobilization, for which:
i. The costs incurred will be based on going rates at the time of occurrence up to the maximum value of the franchise stipulated in the initial page;
ii. The LESSEE shall not be liable, provided that the vehicle has been used in accordance with all terms and conditions contained in the Contract, but he is nevertheless always responsible for the payment of the deductible stipulated on the homepage.